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To establish a level of competence in basic life support and first aid skills, giving you the reassurance and confidence when it matters most.


24 months from date of the assessment.


1. Life Support: (using a live simulated unconscious patient, not a manikin) demonstrate:

  • Turning a patient from prone to supine

  • Opening the airway and checking for signs of life

  • The action for vomiting and blockages

  • The recovery position and aftercare

Using a suitable adult manikin, demonstrate the use of supplementary oxygen for the following:

  • Oxygen therapy

  • Mouth to mask with oxygen

Demonstrate and Explain management of a blocked airway for both conscious and unconscious:

  • Adult

  • Child

  • Infant

Obtain an airway on a suspected spinal injury patient using jaw thrust, and demonstrate CPR on a:

  • Adult manikin

  • Child manikin

  • Infant manikin

2. First Aid

Acting individually, initiate the appropriate procedures at an incident and provide the effective aftercare for one or two patients from a previously unknown simulated first aid situation. Answer 10 questions from the worksheets (First Aid and Resuscitation section) without referring to any notes. A mark of at least 8 is accepted as the minimum score permitted.


  • Complete the syllabus for the assessment (11hours GLH)

  • This award is delivered and assessed by a Trainer / Assessor

  • Minimum 4 Candidates & Maximum 12 Candidates per course

Cost: £149.00 pp. (includes 12 months SLSGB membership, insurance, certificate and administration fees).

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